Mamp update sql
Mamp update sql

mamp update sql

I am using PHP5.3 when running the update.php script in the maintenance folder. The instructions note I must use update.php to ensure the data carries over, but the script doesn't work and prompts me with more permission errors stating that it could not connect to the database (although everything seems correct and I can connect the the database using the same credentials being used in the update.php file via the terminal). Or I get to the index.php but the information doesn't load.


After the sql has been imported, when accessing the wiki I'm either prompted with a message on the index.php stating that user does not have sufficient rights which I granted full access and can access the database via mysql -uuser -ppassword just fine.

mamp update sql

I've been attempting to follow the instructions here: restoring mediawiki backup without success. I setup a database in MAMP, use this command to import the database handed to me via the client: mysql -silent -local -password=barbaz newdb < dbdump.sql I've been using the following commands before installing mediawiki v1.14 using MAMP (I place the file within htdocs, access the index, and go through the setup process). The only way around this that I've found, is by following the instructions here to recreate the root user: or staying logged in as root before importing via mysql and then changing the password to root.ĭoes anyone have anything that can help me get through this? I'm really looking for assistance with importing a SQL dump for an older version of MediaWiki. I'm not sure if that is the cause or not. I'm not the most pro efficient at SQL (I'm actually very noobish to it), but I think that the SQL file I'm importing has its own root user/password combo that's conflicting with the current one. After setting up mediawiki using MAMP, when importing the files through phpadmin, my root user gets iced every time and I can no longer log in and/or connect to mysql. When MAMP starts you should see a control. Will an update be available soon I will try the older MAMP version, but an update to your Beginner tutorial would be infinitely better. I'm working through most of these differences (no trash manager etc.). Copied all the files to my local machine and imported the. The installer has placed MAMP on your Desktop, so you can clck on it to launch it. I'm also finding that a lot of other sessions of this Beginner class are outdated. Does anyone know the simplest way to make this happen Many, many thanks, D.

mamp update sql

Purpose is a Bash script that automates updating these files with the new password and is run from the command line.


Id like to set up my computer so that the SQL server launches automatically whenever I boot up. Instructions on changing the password for MAMP's MySQL root user and how to manually update each of these files can be found at Changing the MySQL Root User Password in MAMP.


We can accept all the defaults, but you might not want to install MAMP Pro so it does not nag you to upgrade. Im doing some work with the SQL server included with the MAMP package. We were sent a SQL file with an image file to upload to the local site. Assuming you are using the Microsoft browser, it will download and automatically start the installer for you. I've been tasked with importing an SQL database to setup up with a local mediawiki website (v1.14).

Mamp update sql